Mulk San Diego

Mulk San Diego sells fresh almond milk using simple ingredients at local Farmer’s Market in San Diego County. Located in an outdoor venue with many passersby, Mulk needed new signs for its ever expanding menu of new flavors and deals.

The entire project was done in Adobe Illustrator and Indesign CS6.

 Getting Started

It all starts with a meeting. I met with my client to discuss their needs and help them organize their thoughts. My client need updates on existing materials, but also wanted to advertise a new series of Mulk flavors.

We decided to create an info sheet to place behind the physical bottle display to bring attention to the new flavor and separate it from the crowd of other bottles.

I started with some initial sketching to get some ideas down.

Decisions, decisions…

I created 2 different info sheets for the 2 new flavors based on the existing labels and let my client choose which direction to go in and hear their feedback.

Unfortunately, due to the time constraint, I could only provide 2 options for each flavor to choose from without compromising quality.

I designed the info sheet to accentuate the display bottle and not claim all of the attention. I pulled over elements and colors from the existing labels to keep everything in theme.

At the Market!

I visited the Farmer’s Market to see how the final displays where doing and was super pleased to see the menu sign drawing people in to chat at the stall.


City of Escondido- Community Outreach Plan


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